Guest Posting
Free Guest Posting Trends
One of the biggest mistakes that you can make when starting out in guest posting is not to understand how free guest post websites work. Guest post websites are places on the internet where you can submit your posts for free and expect others to do the same. This can really be a great way to promote your own blog, but it is important that you understand how it all works before you just jump into things full force.
The first thing that you need to know about these websites is that they want to attract quality content to their visitors. If you have a guest post on some site that is geared towards content or tips and advice, chances are that your guest post will get ignored. This is because many people tend to look for a particular type of content on guest posts, which is why the majority of these guest posting sites are focused around a certain topic. For example, if you are a person who writes a lot about backlinks, then you are likely going to get ignored by guest post websites that aren’t focused around backlinks. These types of sites will be content based and they want to hear about what your expertise is in.
When you decide to go guest post websites, you should understand that the guest post is a chance for you to promote yourself and your blog. You should take this opportunity to show others that your content is unique and that you can provide them with information that they may be interested in. Your goal with these types of websites is to help someone find an area of interest in their life or their blog. You want to make sure that your guest post websites are as user-friendly as possible. If they are too difficult to use, then your guest post won’t be worth very much attention.
Another consideration is that many of these post websites don’t want articles that are very promotional. They want informational articles and that means that you shouldn’t write just any type of article. It has to be a decent size with a good amount of information so that it holds the reader’s attention. If you want your guest post to be considered informative, then you have to do your homework. Read over the articles posted by other writers to see what they have done and what they have included.
The last thing that you need to consider when writing a free guest post for a website is how well you know the website. If you aren’t familiar with the website or industry that the post is talking about, then you are going to sound like a dummy trying to explain something to them. So make sure that you spend some time learning about the industry that they are in. Include facts and figures about the industry. Give an opinion on the topic but don’t be too opinionated. If you come across as an expert in the topic, it will help your chances of being invited back.
One of the best ways to make the most out of your free guest post is to follow the rules set forth by the website. For example, they may not accept posts that are political in nature. This is because political views can drive people to spam the website with negative content. However, if you write about a political campaign that you support, you can mention this in your free guest post. This can help you build a relationship with the website and could lead to a long term relationship that will benefit both of you in the long run.
Without wasting time, let’s check out the complete list of guest posting sites